New Years Message & Club Updates

Firstly on behalf of the committee of Lisburn Gaming Club, we all would like to wish everyone a happy new year and we hope that you and your families have had a lovely Christmas.

We had another good year of gaming, still lots of new faces and lots of fun had by all. We hope to continue this into 2025, which will be also celebrating our 15th Birthday! (April 10th! mark it on your calendars!)

Behind the scenes we are working away to make changes and improve things for all, trying to do as much of a revamp of things which need attention. This topic nicely brings me to a very important message…

Honorary Membership

The honorary membership system we currently have in place at the moment definitely is not ideal and has its flaws. While we feel we very much want to thank and reward many of our members, the system has become messy. So we have as a committee relooked at the whole system and decided that the best thing to do is to remove the entire system.

The honorary membership system within LGC will end on 29th March 2025. All current honorary members will still continue to receive their discount on entries until this date.

We are actually planning to replace it with a new system which will continue to thank and reward those who have greatly helped the club throughout the years. This new system will be more exclusive and aim to thank those who very much exceed in helping while also being very much more of a straightforward system. Details of this will be announced at this years AGM.


Once again we are asking members if anyone would be willing or would consider joining our committee. We will be losing 2 key committee members this coming April, that we know of currently and we are seeking to replace them now, if possible. At the same time as we are currently aiming to change and improve things at the club, some key committee members would be essential to helping us with that and ensuring there is no disruption to any of our gaming days.
For an idea of what its like to be on the committee go here…