About LGC

About LGC

Lisburn Gaming Club is a non-profit organisation created by gamers for gamers.

The aims of the club are:

  • To provide local gamers a venue to meet, game, socialise, and have fun each week.
  • To provide a wide variety of games.
  • To share gaming knowledge and help develop hobby skills such as painting.
  • To help introduce new games and teach new games.
  • To promote gaming to the wider community.
  • To host regular events such as charity days, bring and buy sales, and tournaments.

The Story

Created in April 2010, Lisburn Gaming Club (LGC) has been growing and growing over the years, attracting members from all across Northern Ireland. Today we have members from Belfast to Lisburn, Bangor to Fermanagh, and Carrickfergus to Larne.

LGC was created by a group of gamers who had known each other for many years through previous gaming stores in Lisburn, and through local computer game tournaments.  The idea was to create a location for the gamers to regularly meet and have the space and time to indulge in their gaming hobby with other like-minded people.

LGC is one of the largest and most popular gaming clubs in Northern Ireland, with a large following both in person and online. We also have a large Facebook community. We strive to help gamers across the country meet, communicate, trade, and arrange games together.

The club remains strong today. We continue to have thriving gaming communities in Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar, Bloodbowl, Bolt Action, and many more! We continue to encourage people with their hobbies, give impartial advice, and also teach people how to play the games to whatever level they wish to reach (novice or to the level of a tournament player).  We continue to run and host annual tournaments which are proven to be very popular and attract players from all across the country, the Republic of Ireland, and even from England and Scotland!