This page indicates the roles and jobs of what committee members currently need to do at LGC. This is used as a reference page for people interested in being future committee memebers, or for the current ones to clarify things they need to remember or even just for those people that wonder what we actually have to do. This is a non-sugar coated list of jobs that everyone who signs up to the committee is expected and asked to do.
We do not require for committee members to attend the club everyweek without fail. It is a voluntary role not a job. We do look for people who have a passion for their hobby and would plan on being down often. We do not need someone who wants to come down once in a blue moon and then lies as to why he/she isnt coming down to help etc, its not like that if you have stuff to do its fine. Thats why we have several committee members to cover.
On Club Days
We all share the following jobs as a team
- Assist with the opening up (tables, scenery, doors, tuck shop)
- Sign people in, and do tuck shop calls (during opening times)
- Assist with the closing up (tables, scenery, doors, tuck shop)
Outside of Club Days
- Post your attendance weekly, via the online tracker in good time before each gaming day.
- Give opinion on any items which may arise via committee chat.
- Attend any committee meetings which may get arranged through the year (usually online).
- If you happen to see offers in shops when your out and about buy them for the club tuck shop.
And that’s the list, it is very basic with most of the items outside of declaring if you can attend or not, just being things we do as a team when in attendance of the club on club days.
Also again to note, you are not expected to be at the club every week. We all have lives and things to do, we are attempting to have enough people so that there’s a good rotation and cover and nobody ever feels pressured.