Hi all, we hope you have recovered from the holidays, and everyone has kidded themselves with their resolutions about painting all those unpainted minis before they get more, or they will paint things as they will buy them…. it wont happen.
LGC will be re-opening this Saturday (7th) 9-6. To book a table go to the website https://lisburn-gaming.co.uk/book-a-table/ or go to the game arranging post on facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/1150474441639869/permalink/5969607739726491/
In some news/updates, the committee have a few announcements
– We are hoping to add some sort of pattern to the Friday Nights, making them a regular time each month (waiting on reply about this to block book).
– This months Friday night has not been confirmed yet, but we are hoping to confirm it within the next few days.
– We are looking into the general setting up/packing up of days, at the moment boxes of terrain will be on top of/beside tables needing it, for you to use, please either leave terrain on table or else place it ontop of the box for the committee to sort this.
– We are going to review the honorary member system this year. Starting right away we are adding in the option to add members to it throughout the year (outside of April), so I’m pleased to announce the new years honours (don’t sigh!), Stephen Johnston, Paul Magennis and Nasia Lupini-Purchase are all now added to the honorary members list. Full review and the normal new list will come at AGM time in April.
– We are looking to expand a volunteers list (for anyone interested please get in touch). What this is for those unaware is a list of people who are willing to help us setup or packup as one off occasions (you would be asked in advance if your able and available).
– We will be casting the call out now, that in April we will have a few committee members stepping down, having completed terms. Anyone keen to help us out with committee stuff do please get in touch.