Start Date – 2nd April 2022
Location – Lisburn Gaming Club (how to get to us)
Rulespack – Download the PDF Rules
Booking a Table for your game – Don’t forget when you arrange a game with your opponent, that one of you needs to book a table for that saturday via Facebook or our website (you can book in advance with this option).
Sign Up
Email your details to lisburngamingclub@outlook.com with the subject “40k League” and the following details:
• Name
• Mobile Number (so you can be added to the LGC 40k League WhatsApp group)
• Army (e.g. Space Marines)
• Sub Faction (e.g. Ultramarines)
Basics –
● Pod phase followed by knockout phase
● Pod phase
○ Pods of 4 players.
○ Players are randomly assigned to a pod.
○ Players have 8 weeks to play against other players in their pod for a total of 3 games.
○ Top player in each pod qualifies for knockout stages.
○ To make up the remaining players reaching the “Last 16”, the highest scoring runners up will advance to the knockout stages until the 16 places are filled.
● Knockout phase
○ 16 players from the pod phase will advance to knockout stages.
○ Players that finish top of a pod will play a random runner up from a different pod. If this is not possible due to the number of pods, players will be ranked according to their total game points. Then the top 8 players will be randomly assigned a player from the bottom 8.
○ Knockout format: last 16, quarter finals, semifinals, final.
– When you sign up you will be added to the LGC 40k League whatsapp group.
– Results of each game much be posted into the whatsapp group, with Richard tagged.
– If Richard or Colin are present at the club, you can give the rules in written form to either.